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What I do

As a coach, I can help you to uncover what is really on your mind, understand what you want, explore what might be holding you back, set intentions for the changes you want to make and rediscover those resources that will allow you to find your own unique solutions and move forward. I also use the effective combination of hypnotherapy and NLP, to consolidate the coaching conversation by embedding a strong connection to your intention and by teaching easy-to-use techniques that will help you to move forward in a way that is right for you.

As a hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner I can work with you on issues including anxiety, stress, menopause, panic attacks, low confidence, phobias and smoking cessation. Using an integrated therapeutic approach, I can support you to express and explore the problem fully in a safe confidential space, without fear of being judged or being told what to do. I can help you uncover new insights and perspectives that will allow you to make decisions and find solutions that are right for you.

What you do makes a difference
and what you have to decide is
what kind of difference you want to make.

(Jade Goodall)